21st. Century Middle-Eastern Music Journal
Author: Salam Unagami :Music Journalist/ DJ
Since my childhood, I was fascinated by the Middle-Eastern Music and culture, I don't know why. I often visited Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, and had been to Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iran & Lebanon to listen to the local music since 1989.
In summer of 2002, I was at a few days transite stay in istanbul and found a CD called "Mercan Dede/NAR" on the street. I was totally mesmerised by it. Because, it was like a mixture of 100% Turkish Sufi Music and 100% Electronic Music which was my generation Music! Since then, I started to dig a kind of Global Zeitgeist Middle-Eastern Music.
In summer of 2004, I visited a huge big festival of Afro origine Trance Music "Gnawa" in Essaouira, Morocco. There, I saw a half million people had been dancing to the Gnawa music, and many local women had gone into the state of trance!
Again and again stayed in istanbul to meet & talk with Mercan Dede, Baba Zula the Oriental Psychedelic Dub Band, Sema Yildiz the legendary bellydancer. And, I made many good friends there in 2005, 2007, 2009.
Then, I've been to Yemen to chase the "Sanaa's Song" the ancient Arabia-Felix traditional music in 2007. It was a hard time.
Finally, my last destination is the Cairo, the Heart of Arab culture in the end of January 2011 just before the revolution......
This is the journey of search for the 21st. Century Middle-Eastern Music on my foot between 9.11 and 3.11.
Jan.24. 2012
Salam Unagami
- 30. January 2011, Cairo, Egypt
1. A Meeting with Remarkable Sound
- July 2002, istanbul, Turkey
2. Gnawa, The Black Trance Music
- June 2004, Essaouira, Morocco
3. Crossing the Bridge of Tradition and Modern
- July 2002, istanbul, Turkey
4. Search for the "Arabia Felix"
- January 2007, Sanaa, Yemen
5. The Narrow Road to the Interiour of Turkish Music
- April 2009, istanbul, Turkey
6. They Shouted the Music and the Revolution at the Heart of Arab
- January 2011, Cairo, Egypt
Epilogue, Sout El Horeya~ The Voice of Freedom
- October 2011, Middle-East/The World/Japan
- What's the Middle-East? the Middle-Eastern Music?
- History of the Modern Middle-Eastern Pop
- "Gnawa, Music of Cry for Freedom" Amazigh Kateb Interview
- The Sound of istanbul
- Nobody knows about Yemenite Cuisine
- Book Guide of the Middle East in Japanese Language
- The Middle-Eastern Music 90 CD Guide
Buy at Amazon or El Sur Records, or your favorite bookstore.
2.8 Wed. 19:30 ワールド音楽講座朝日カルチャーセンター新宿
2.11 無事終了致しました。満員御礼&新刊売り切れ誠にありがとうございました。4月から始まる通年講座もよろしくお願いします!
2.22 Wed. 19:30 西荻窪 旅の本屋 のまど
旅に関する書籍のみを扱う中央線西荻窪の人気書店のまどにサラームが初出演! 版元アルテスパブリッシングの鈴木茂さんが聞き手となり、僕に色々と突っ込む模様です。いつもと違って旅の話が中心となりそうです。席に限りがありますので確保はお早めに!
2.22 Wed. 19:30 サラーム海上の中東音楽を巡る旅@LOFT CHANNEL
旅の本屋のまどで行うサラームのトークショーは「ロフトチャンネル」を通じて、インターネット中継放送されることになりました! 来られない方はこちらをご覧下さい!
3.21 Wed. 19:00 「21世紀中東音楽TV」@DOMMUNE!
出演はサラームと、聞き手はこの本にも登場するBaba ZulaのベリーダンサーNourah! 翌朝からババズーラのヨーロッパ・ツアーに出発するノーラと僕がトルコ音楽とババズーラへの愛をたっぷりと語ります。第二部冒頭にはNourahのダンスもあり。DJはお馴染みシリル・コピーニと、わざわざフランスから来てくれるバルカン〜ジプシー系使者! 5時間まるごとエキゾ音楽@DOMMUNE!!! 詳細は追って!
3.24 Sat. タワーレコーズ新宿店
3.30 Fri.「エキゾ夢紀行」@UPLINK FACTORY 渋谷「スウィート・モロッコ&ビター・パキスタン」
4.6 Fri. Midnight SouQ @東高円寺GRASSROOTS
おなじみDJ&ベリーダンスパーティー「Midnight SouQ」も「21世紀中東音楽ジャーナル」に即した内容でDJします。懐かしのナンバーたっぷり用意しますのでよろしく! 出演はサラームの他、平成のアンドリュー・エルドリッチ(誰なんだ?)こと森田潤(Black Madras)、そしてお馴染み夜の蝶TANiSHQです。
本の内容に即したビデオ動画を使った中東音楽トークショー、macbook一台持って出張講演致します。メールやtwitter, facebook経由でも、お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。